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Stop Screaming at Me: Marketers Need to Keep Up With the Browsers

毕竟,攀比可以是可选的, not everyone needs a new car or a trip to Hawaii—but keeping up with adtech trends is essential for the smart marketer. The two most important trends to be on top of right now are replacing all Flash advertising content with HTML5 creative and understanding how the browser companies will be curbing advertisers from screaming at prospective customers.


The technology that brought advanced interactive features to video content is no longer the preferred format for delivering advertising. Flash's demise was accelerated by Google which stopped running all Flash ads as of July 3rd. 所有主要的浏览器公司也都计划这么做. 各大品牌是否也淘汰了Flash? "Roughly 30 percent of the ads we deliver today are still Flash based,斯科特·亚历山大说。, LKQD Technologies首席运营官, 视频广告平台. 三分之二的客户仍在为此努力.


The computing overhead from Flash made video loading sluggish, 用户需要安装或更新插件, 有安全隐患. Flash以前用于视频广告播放, 建立互动体验, 作为一个像素跟踪信标, 对于客户端广告定位. 所有这些任务现在都需要使用HTML5来完成, JavaScript, 和MP4视频文件代替Flash. 他们能接受吗?? Yes, they can, says Eric Boyd, director of product for JW Player.

The IAB Tech Lab recommended the elimination of Flash ads by July 2017. "We have heard that as few as 10 percent of ads are now Flash, 但其他人报告的数据更高,丹尼斯·布赫海姆说, IAB技术实验室高级副总裁兼总经理. "Based on our experiences with eliminating Flash for display ads, Flash will likely be around for some time while both supply side and demand side make adjustments."

“几乎生态系统中的每个人都必须做出改变. Publishers had to build HTML5 video support (for playback and to support verification and interactivity), the full stack of ad platforms had to add checks for Flash content and try to prevent clashes from incorrect creative types being served, and other vendors had to support HTML and JavaScript-based verification and creative tooling,布赫海姆说.


The IAB制定的指南 帮助广告商和出版商处理转换. 它的建议:

  • Replace all Flash inventory with HTML5, JavaScript, and MP4 video files.

  • Check to ensure all video players have been updated to HTML5.

  • 问出版商, ad platforms, and measurement and verification vendors it they support the latest ad standards from IAB.

  • Test creative on all supported browsers, both desktop and mobile.

  • Ensure verification and measurement vendors are tracking correctly.

一些浏览器仍然支持Flash内容, but viewers will at a minimum need to take the additional step of clicking a dialog box to enable Flash.

The next transition to be concerned about is how the user experience will be impacted when auto-playing video is not a default behavior.


It's becoming too common for web pages to starts blaring loud audio, 表现得像个被宠坏的小屁孩在发脾气. More than half of most videos now start automatically according to JW Player. Chrome会自动启动65%的视频, while Safari comes in at 53 percent with half of these having sound on.

Auto-play video ads will need to make their point without audio.

自动播放视频通常不是最佳方法, 里夫金说, co-founder and senior vice president for strategic partnerships at JW Player. Google Chrome and Apple's Safari browsers are coming to the aid of the viewers, requiring click-to-play for video to curb content randomly playing when no one asked for it, Boyd says. Chrome is targeting this for January 2018 and Safari is doing this now. The browser companies aren't banning all auto-play, but it will become much more limited.

"I don't think all advertisers and publishers are aware of (the auto-play restrictions)," says Boyd. 而自动播放仍然可以在应用程序环境中运行, 在浏览器中,游戏规则已经改变. 以下是指导原则:



  • 在只有视频的内容,这些是没有音频配乐.

  • If the user clicked on the site where the video is during the browsing session.

  • 如果该站点已添加到手机主界面.

  • On desktop if a viewer has frequently viewed video on that web site. Frequent is defined as previous video views of at least 7 seconds, 在可见选项卡上, 视频帧至少是200 × 140像素, 媒体有一个可以听到的音轨.


Safari 11, 最新版本, will stop any media with audio from automatically playing on most sites. Users can keep these settings or selectively modify auto-play settings on a per-website basis according to the Safari install notes.


  • 现在开始应用点击播放视频设置, so that when those updates are fully implemented the change won't be so hard to work with.

  • 采用数字视频的最佳做法, like ensuring pages load in under two seconds and video players are at least 500 pixels wide and are placed in the main column.

“我相信消费者会欣赏这种改善,Boaz Cohen说, chief product officer and head of business development for Clinch, 专注于个性化的广告技术平台. "Advertisers will have to make sure that the poster image of the video will be compelling enough for users to interact with it, 视频广告会起作用, 用声音清晰地传达信息."


Flash is going and it doesn't make sense to be the last man standing since fewer and fewer Flash ads will display correctly going forward. The new auto-play rules will create an environment where actual people will choose to view content.

"It's a smart way to create deliberate intent for users to watch and boost ad revenue," Rifkin says. “你越是优先考虑用户体验, the better the advertiser and consumer relationships will be moving into the digital future." The loss of autopay will definitely impact impression count, however ads are more likely to actually be viewed by a real person and isn't that the goal?

